Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (2024)

Vegan, easy to make.

A deliciously light and fluffy doughnut, with a custard pudding filling, dipped in chocolate, topped off with dairy-free chocolate shavings.

A devilish dessert, which is utterly irresistible.Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (1)

Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (2)

You can’t beat a good ol’ fashioned doughnut. These sweet treats are absolutely moorishand satisfying on your tastebuds.

The light dough is perfectly fluffy and compliments the sweet custard pudding filling beautifully.

I used the ‘Alpro soya custard‘ as its quick & easy to use and makes for the most delicious flavoured pudding filling.

To make these Boston cream doughnuts as authentic as possible, I melted some dairy-free chocolate and dipped each doughnut into the chocolate for a glossy and rich topping.

Don’t they look, decedent!?Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (3)Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (4)Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (5)

Preparation-3 + 1/2 hours

Cooking time- 2-3 minutes (Per doughnut)

Makes- Approximately 20 doughnuts

Level- Medium

Ingredients for the doughnuts

-330ml of warm dairy-free milk (I use unsweetened almond)

-2 packs of dry yeast

-75g of golden caster sugar

-600g of self-raising flour

-1/4 teaspoon of salt

-100g of melted dairy-free butter

-2 egg replacers (I use Vegan Egg)

Ingredients for the cream filling

-1 tablespoon of dairy-free milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)

-1 ounce of vegan butter (melted)

-160g of icing sugar

-4 tablespoons of vegan custard (I use Alpro vanilla custard)

-2 tablespoons of corn starch

Ingredients for the glaze

-150g of dairy-free chocolate

-1 tablespoon of coconut oil


-Oil (for frying)

To make the doughnuts

Step 1- Place the warm dairy-free milk into a bowl and sprinkle over the yeast and sugar, stir, cover with a tea towel then put into a warm place for around 10-15 minutes until frothy.Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (6)

Step 2- In a separate bowl, combine the flour & salt and stir.

Step 3- In another separate bowl, add in the melted dairy-free butter and vegan egg substitute.Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (7)

Step 4- Combine the dry mixture, yeast mixture and egg mixture into a bowl and stir.

Step 5- Mix with a hand whisk or attach a dough hook to your stand mixer and begin to kneed on medium until nice and smooth.

Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (8)

Step 6- Pop the dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and place into a warm area (I place mine in my conservatory) and allow to prove for around 2-3 hours or until double in size.

Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (9)

Step 7- Once doubled, turn the dough out onto a floured surface and roll out until around 1/2 inch thick.Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (10)

Step 8- Using a cookie cutter, cut out circles and place onto a lined baking tray.

Step 9- Place the cutout doughnuts back into a warm area covered with a tea towel for around 1 hour until they have doubled in size.Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (11)

Step 10- Add oil into a deep pan until half – 3/4 full and bring to the boil.

Allow it to come up to 320 degrees.

You can use a deep fat fryer.

Step 11- Once the doughnuts have risen, gently lower them into the hot oil and fry for about 2-3 minutes on each side or until puffed and golden brown in colour.

Carefully take them out of the hot oil and place them on kitchen paper towel to drain any excess oil.

Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (12)

Step 12- While they are still warm, coat them in golden caster sugar.

Allow them to cool before filling.

To make the custard

Step 1- Place the dairy-free milk, melted butter, icing sugar, vegan custard and corn starch in a bowl and mix until combined and smooth.

Add more cornstarch for a thicker filling.

Step 2- Pop the filling into a piping bag and snip off the tip.

Step 3- Poke a hole in the side of the doughnuts and fill each doughnut.

To make the glaze

Step 1- Fill a small saucepan 3/4 full with water and place a heatproof bowl on top.

This creates a bain-marie.

Step 2- Add in the chocolate and coconut oil, turn up the heat and slowly melt the chocolate.

Step 3- Once melted, remove the bowl from the heat and allow to cool for 5-10 minutes.

Step 4- When the chocolate has cooled slightly, dunk each doughnut into the chocolate.

Place onto a baking rack. and repeat for all of the doughnuts.

Serve fresh with some grated dairy-free chocolate (optional) and enjoy.

Store in a sealed container for up to 4 days.

Best enjoyed day of making.


Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (13)

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Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (14)

Easy Vegan Boston Cream Doughnuts recipe (2024)


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.